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Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Yellow? Is It an Emergency?

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Yellow? Is It an Emergency?

Dogs throwing up yellow is never a healthy sign, but over here, the majority of pet owners are not completely aware of what is wrong with their furry members and how to tackle it. Some start panicking and rush to the vet to save their best friend, while a few overlook the vomiting, assuming that the dog will become fine on its own. However, the sad part is that if it is not treated at the correct time, then, unfortunately, pet wonders will have to prepare for their final rights. 

Has your dog thrown up the same color, and now you are scrolling the internet to find out where you went wrong, or is your dog ill? Then, your dog has a long life, as you have clicked on the right link. We will discuss yellow bile, its causes, when you should consult the vet and other necessary tips. 

photo of dog outside during fall


Yellow Bile: What Is This In Dogs?

According to Origin Labs, when you see your dog vomiting yellow, it is because of bile. What is bile? It is a juice that helps during a dog’s digestion and plays an important role in breaking down fats in the small intestine. The liver is responsible for producing bile, which gets stored in the gallbladder and is ready to release in the digestive system after food. 

Apart from this, the bile also helps in balancing acidic contents in the stomach, which protects the lining of the small intestine. However, when this bile leaks inside the dog’s stomach, it tends to react with the stomach acid, triggering your dog to vomit. 

Now, you must be wondering whether the bile is smelly or just yellow. The answer is that it is usually greenish or yellowish. The texture can be either bubbly, foamy or have mucus. The vomit is without any smell, and you will witness it in one or multiple piles or mixed with water. 

What Causes The Dogs To Throw Yellow Bile? 

There is not one or two, but several causes that can force the dog to vomit yellow bile. Yes, we are going to tell you about those reasons individually. They are as follows: 

Bilious Vomiting Syndrome

It is quite possible that your dog must be suffering from Bilious Vomiting Syndrome. In this condition, a dog is often witnessed vomiting froth or bile, except for food. The condition usually occurs when a dog has not eaten for a while, and many wagging tails experience this in the morning if they have not eaten the previous night. 

Your next question will be how to confirm whether it is BVS or not. This syndrome presents some obvious signs of nausea, and that is in the morning. In dogs, nausea is in the form of smacking their lips, panting for breath, drooling with their saliva sticking out, and not taking enough interest in eating, even if you have kept their favourite treats in front of them. 

The case also varies from dog to dog as for some, it is considered that the fasting gap between dinner and breakfast can enable the fluid in the intestine to flow backwards in their stomachs. This further causes nausea, irritation, and your furry pal to vomit in a yellow colour. 

Does BVS threaten life? No, it is not a red flag situation, but still, you must take proper advice from your specific vet, who has been treating your dog since day one. They will let you know better if your dog needs serious help by suggesting the necessary treatments and medications or will recover in a matter of a few days. 

If the results of the main physical exam and blood panel show that your dog has BVS and is not something you should stress about, then as a pet owner, you need not worry and just follow the vet’s directions. Here, you may hear them telling you to change their food or maybe their medicines. 

In order to give your dog some relief from symptoms, it is suggested that they place their food at late hours in the evening. Why? Because it is thought that the food can act as a shield against refluxed bile or it can boost gastric motility to help your dog digest food without throwing up. 

Even after changing its food, if your dog’s vomiting still does not stop, then yes, your vet might offer medical treatment. The vet will probably give you antacids or other medications that can help your dog’s stomach. You won’t need to give your dog multiple doses, as a single one in the evening will also help prevent clinical symptoms. 

Indiscretion in Dieting 

Do you monitor what your dog eats? If not, then there is a high chance that your dog might have gobbled up stale food or something that their body did not accept and, as a result, compelled the dog to vomit yellow bile. Therefore, you must become more vigilant if you love your furry fellow. 

Allergic To Food

Often, your other family members or even their children tend to offer your dog something to eat, not knowing that your dog is allergic to that particular food. As a result, when your dog consumes the food, they begin vomiting, leaving others worried. Hence, try your best to educate your close family and friends so they avoid making the same mistake again in the future. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

In the list of yellow vomiting in dogs, inflammatory bowel disease is also considered one of the common causes. What happens in inflammatory bowel disease? In this condition, there is inflammation in the intestines, which results in non stop vomiting, consistent diarrhoea, and a considerable amount of weight loss. So, if you see these symptoms as well, then this might be the major reason why your dog is throwing up yellow. 

photo of dog sitting



Have you checked your dog’s pancreas? Are they functioning normally, or is there some inflammation? If there is, then your dog is suffering from pancreatitis. What is pancreatitis? Well, it is included in the category of endocrine disorders and usually happens after you feed your dog highly fatty or oily foods as you normally give the same food to your pet while, especially during parties, thinking that your buddy also deserves a treat. 

However, that turns into a wrong move because that high-cholesterol food makes your pup vomit yellow, and the story does not end with yellow vomiting as your dog can even experience diarrhoea and extreme pain in the abdomen. Pancreatitis does not happen instantly but usually appears after three to five days when you have given your dog fatty food or someone else feeds it on your behalf. Just remember that this inflammation of the internal organ can occur as early as 24 hours after that. 

As far as the consequences are concerned, you may witness your dog vomit multiple times throughout the day; they won't be very active, and even when walking a few steps, they will lie down. Therefore, if one such episode takes place, then it is better to be careful and avoid giving as many fatty snacks as possible to add to their healthier life.

Liver Disease

Is your dog’s liver healthy, or does it need attention? An infected liver can contribute to the production of bile and result in yellow or greenish vomiting. Hence, be careful at your end. 

Addison’s Disease

Do you have any knowledge regarding Addison's Disease? If yes, then it's great to know that you are well-informed, but if not, then let us tell you. Addison’s Disease is another endocrine disorder. To be specific, it is a disorder of the adrenal glands, and its symptom is yellow vomiting. According to the National Library Of Medicine, this is not very common and is present in the canine population, ranging between 0.06% and 0.28%. We know you must be questioning what happens in Addison’s disease, so hang on. You don’t need to open a new blog as your answers are right here. In this situation, adrenal glands fail to produce the required count of corticosteroids. In simple terminology, these are stress hormones. 

According to Hills Pet, some common kinds of stress that can spark tension in your dog are travelling to a new place whose surroundings they are not familiar with, loud thunderstorms during rainfall, sudden fireworks, social events or other alterations in your daily routine as dogs observe your timing and wait for your arrival to spend maximum time with their owner. These things may seem minor to you but problematic for your dog as they find it difficult to cope with your new routine or faces. Therefore, dogs with Addison’s disease can be severely impacted even due to the smallest amount of stress. 


Humans start vomiting due to infections; in the same way, even dogs can throw up yellow bile as a result of either bacterial or viral infections. Therefore, if your pal is caught up in some infections, then there is nothing to worry about because, most probably, the vet will recommend that you give light medications to kill the harmful infections that are troubling your dog’s health. 


Parasites in the intestines can also irritate your dog’s digestive tract, which can lead to throwing up yellow, frothy bile. 

Swallowing Of Foreign Bodies 

Has your dog swallowed any foreign thing that they shouldn’t have? If yes, that can be another cause of your dog's yellow bile vomit. You often stop your children from eating things that are not fit for their consumption, but the same formula is applicable in the case of dogs, too, because, like children, even they are unaware of what they can eat and have to avoid. So, see if your dog has done this in your absence or when you were not paying attention. 

Blockage In The Intestine

If your dog is vomiting yellow, then that is an indication of your dog eating their first meal after a gap of an entire night, and the empty stomach is making them throw up in that colour. However, if your dog is also showing signs of a lack of enthusiasm and acute pain in the abdomen, even if you are trying to play throw and fetch with it, then that is a red flag. How? That means that its intestines have some kind of blockage and are required to be treated immediately before the situation worsens. Therefore, stay alert and don’t ignore if your dog gives you subtle hints that they need professional help. 

when to take your dog to the vet


When You Should Take The Vet’s Appointment?

We understand your emotions attached to your dog and that you are habitual in taking care of your pal on your own, but when your dog is throwing yellow bile, there will be circumstances that you won’t be able to handle on your own, and you will need to immediately the vet’s appointment. Those situations are as follows:

Constant Vomiting

Is your furry friend vomiting constantly despite your giving it the necessary dosage? Then, you need to schedule an appointment with your vet, who can guide you better on how to put a permanent stop to your dog’s vomiting. 


Do you see your dog always lying around and not even standing up, even if the doorbell rings? Then, this unusual weakness and exhaustion is a matter of concern. Therefore, you should contact the vet and take your dog to them, as they will be able to observe your dog at a professional level and guide you on how to take care of it from now on.

Not Feeling Hungry

If your dog does not feel thirsty or hungry for a few hours, then that is normal. However, the same practice continues for days; even if you fill their food bowl with their favourite treat and water bowl with fresh water, then without wasting further seconds, you must contact the vet and take your dog to them to identify the issue. 


Has your dog’s stool improved, or even after giving the recommended medications, is the texture of the stool watery, which is usually happy in diarrhoea? If it continues to be watery along with yellow bile, then that hints toward a prominent issue and must not be taken lightly. Therefore, go to your nearest vet and allow them to do a proper checkup of your companion. 

Pain In The Abdomen

Does your dog keep whining or constantly guard its belly? If yes, then that is their way of telling you that they are having severe pain in their abdomen. In such a case, your ignorance or assumption that their pain will end on its own will be a grave mistake on your end. Therefore, take out your car, put your dog inside and take them to the vet before your dog stops moving at all. 


Take the dog’s thermometer to check your dog’s temperature. If it is normal, then good for both of you. However, if the story is the opposite, then it means your dog is suffering from a serious condition and needs instant help. Therefore, instead of delaying by giving them medicines, take them to the vet for better care. 

Appearance Of Blood In Stool or Vomit 

Have you checked the colour of your dog’s stool and vomit? Is it normal, or was there an appearance of blood in vomit or stool? Blood is never a good sign; it means that your dog is not internally healthy due to some bacterial or parasitic infection, and the stool or vomit is showing specks of blood. You need to take your dog to the nearest vet so they can suggest the necessary treatment.


When your dog vomits without a pause, it is bound to feel dehydrated. Therefore, see if your dog is asking you to fill its bowl with water. Besides that, check its skin for the level of elasticity and the degree of enthusiasm. 

What To Expect At The Vet? 

Now, when you visit the vet, the doctor will look at your dog and proceed to perform a physical examination. Apart from that, they might feel it necessary to run some blood tests, diagnostic tests, and even X-rays to identify the root causes of your dog's vomiting.  The diagnosis may vary from dog to dog, and the suggested treatments can include the following:  


The vet will probably hand over a prescription of relevant medicines for your dog with proper dosage so the vomiting comes under control. Your dog can then feel normal and continue doing its regular activities like before. 

Changes In Diet 

Your vet may ask you what kind of food you usually feed your buddy, and depending on your answer, they can ask you to make changes in your diet. In this way, you will be able to manage your pet’s allergies and sensitivities to stop their yellow vomiting. 

IV Fluids 

If the vet thinks that your dog is dehydrated, then it is most likely that the doctor will give your dog some IV fluids to treat dehydration. They might tell you the way and how often to give your dog as well, therefore, remember the method. 


If your dog has swallowed any foreign bodies, then the vet will suggest you bring your dog for a quick surgery, and they will be okay in no time. 


Now you know what yellow bile is and the causes behind it so we hope that you won’t face any issues if your dog shows the signs. And will instantly take them to the vet if their condition deteriorates.


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