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pet related holidays in may 2022 vizsla puppy sitting on dock in sunshine

Pet-Related Holidays in May 2022

Daily Dog-Related Holidays in May 2022

May 1: National Purebred Dog Day
May 1: Mayday for Mutts 
May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day
May 8: Mother’s Day
May 9: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
May 14: National Dog Mom’s Day 
May 20: National Rescue Dog Day
May 31: Memorial Day

    young lady celebrating national dog moms day with beagle puppy at a park

    Week-long Pet Holidays in May 

    May 1-7: American Humane’s Be Kind to Animals Week
    May 1-7: Dog Anxiety Awareness Week
    May 1–7: National Pet Week 
    May 9-15: Puppy Mill Action Week 
    yellow labrador retriever puppy at veterinarian for check up

    Month-long Dog-related Holidays in May 

    National Pet Month
    Responsible Animal Guardian Month
    Lyme Disease Prevention Month - Everything you need to know about Tick Prevention and Safety for your pup, here! 
    Pet Cancer Awareness Month
    Chip Your Pet Month
    National Service Animal Eye Exam Month




      Show us how you and your dogs are celebrating! Tag #impactdogcrates on Instagram to be featured or post your photo in the comments of our Facebook posts.


      Photo source: Canva Pro

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